5th annual online homebuyer mystery shop report

osc mystery shop insights
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What we've learned:

OSC Programs continue to perform much higher than builders who don’t have OSCs…
but you’ve got to provide oversight and training.

If you are a home builder, your goal is to meet your buyers where they start their home search and provide the best possible experience.

In the 5th Annual Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report - Blue Gypsy Inc., Melinda Brody & Company and Denim Marketing performed a 30 day mystery shop on 50 home builders across the country.

Nearly 30 builders were from the Builder Top 200 List and the rest were chosen at random as we explored 30 days of follow up.

The survey reveals a variety of statistics and findings to help builders better understand the follow up process.

What You Will Take Away From This One-of-a-Kind Free Report

When you download this report you will learn more about your competition and their:

  • Speed of Follow Up
  • Frequency of Messaging
  • Diversity of Touch Points

You will see what a difference an online sales counselor makes during every step of 30 days of follow up.

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Do you measure up? Learn more!


[email protected]
(804) 384-7555