Lead Management
Don’t Say I Don’t Know: An OSC’s Guide to Building Trust – Scenario One
As I got going writing this up, I realized it was waaaaayyyyy too long for a single blog post. So here’s part one of three! As an online sales counselor, whether you are new, or you’ve been doing this a while there are questions you simply can’t answer. Either because you don’t know the answer,…
Read MoreWhy Do You Need Executive Coaching with an Online Sales Program?
Whether you are setting up a new online sales program, or working on auditing, improving, or revamping an old OSC program, whoever is going to lead the OSC program or team, needs to be on the same page and understand how to communicate goals to the entire company. I’ve said it before, training an OSC…
Read MoreWhat Does “When in Doubt Send It Out” Mean?
Yes, we all want to be setting appointments. Especially if your leads have slowed down, but we don’t want to set just any appointment. We want to set strong appointments that will convert, otherwise we aren’t doing what OSCs are supposed to do. You may have heard the term, “When in doubt, send it out.”…
Read MoreFive Things Leadership Should Know About Online Sales
Sometimes the people at the top don’t understand what Online Sales is, what Online Sales Counselors do, and why this role and the program are so important. 1. This is not a “Catch All” position – The online sales program isn’t a place to dump all the odds and ends in the company. An online…
Read MoreDebunking 5 Myths About Online Sales
As someone who started out in an online sales role for builders near the very early times (I like to call it back in the Stone Age) It’s time to debunk some myths about the online sales role. Myth #1 OSCs have only been around for about 10 years or so – While I started…
Read MoreBridging the Gap Between Digital Marketing and Your Online Sales Team
Online Sales can’t happen in a bubble. There are two areas where an online sales counselor does not have control of the customer journey and the sales process. The first is at the very start which is generating the leads. The last is at the very end which is closing the deal. This is why…
Read MoreWhat Does No Lead Left Behind Really Mean?
While the online sales program has evolved a lot over the past 20 years since it first started to show up as a position for new home builders, there are some things that remain the same. Though we have gotten away from some of these things over the last couple of years. It’s time for…
Read MoreWhat Happens When You Rush the Process?
Sometimes in our need for speed, we lose sight of some of the basics. While it’s true that an OSC’s role has always been about appointment setting and getting people in front of the site agents there are several factors that must be addressed. Appointments Need to be Strong – the whole point of filtering…
Read MoreHas Follow Up Improved From Last Year? Our Results Are In…
In the 2nd Annual Homebuyer Mystery Shop Blue Gypsy, Inc. got together with Melinda Brody & Company and Denim Marketing to shop 50 new home builders across the country. We looked at national, regional, and local builders and spent 30 days tracking the follow-up a customer would receive if they submitted an inquiry with their…
Read MoreIs Long-Term Follow Up Still Important?
The last 18 months have seen crazy things happening in the new home construction world. It’s no secret that we have more buyers than homes. So, is it really necessary to have long-term follow up? The answer is YES! For the first quarter in a while, we are seeing the lead volume slow down. What…
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