Getting Outside the Box and Hiring an OSC

I love it when a client says, “Honestly I would have passed over those two candidates’ resumes.” And then they see how strong they’d be for the OSC role when I vet them, and then we interview them together. This makes me happy. I’m genuinely happy when I can help a client cut through the…

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Addressing Under Performance in OSC Programs

In our most recent Annual Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report it was disheartening to see that 4 OSCs never followed up. This points to significant issues within some OSC programs. While there are builders out there that know they need Online Sales Counselors they don’t always know how to set the program up successful, manage it…

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The Three C’s of OSCs in The Building Industry

OSCs In the new home building industry are called by a variety of titles. They are Online Sales Counselors, Online Sales Concierge, and Online Sales Consultants. They also are called ISPs Internet Sales Specialists, ISSs Internet Sales Specialists, ISAs Internet Sales Assistants. And so much more. No matter what you call this role there are…

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Spring into Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Profitability in Online Sales Programs for New Home Builders – Part 1

In the competitive world of real estate, having a strong online sales program is not just an option, it’s a necessity. With the rise of digitalization and changing consumer behaviors, home builders need to adapt their marketing strategies to stay ahead of the game. Online sales programs are not just the online sales counselors behind…

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Old Style New Home Sales Techniques vs. Selling to the Digital Savvy Homebuyer

Little known fact, I started out in the new home sales world onsite in 2006. One of the first things my company did was put me through a sales training program and in 18 years I’ve seen a variety of sales models used for new home sales, most of which follow the critical path. I’ve…

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Enhancing Home Building with AI: 5 Ways OSCs Can Leverage Technology Without Losing the Human Touch

Just because you can’t leave it to AI (artificial intelligence) as we talked about last month, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it at all! The home building industry is experiencing a transformative wave with the integration of AI into various facets of operations. One crucial area where AI can make a significant impact is…

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Online Sales and Onsite Sales Teams Transform Homebuyer Engagement with Video Emails

In the fast-paced and competitive world of new home construction, establishing a meaningful connection with potential homebuyers is key to success. One of the most innovative and impactful tools in the arsenal of Online Sales Counselors (OSCs) and onsite Sales Agents is the use of video emails. In this blog post, we’ll explore the transformative…

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The Power of Human Connection: Why You Can’t Just “Leave it to AI”

Let’s face it, complex queries demand human expertise. When it comes to the intricate world of home building, questions are often multifaceted. AI excels at routine tasks but may struggle when faced with nuanced or unique queries. A human touch ensures that your customers receive the comprehensive and tailored responses they need. As we implement…

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Mentoring, Coaching, and Goals for The New Year

You may or may not have noticed that I didn’t create any new blog posts in October or November… for those of you who follow me on LinkedIn or social media, you know I lost one of my greatest mentors at the beginning of October. My father. From an early age, my dad taught me…

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Understanding What OSCS Do Daily, Weekly, Monthly

In our blog post, “We Are All on The Same Team,” one of the keys to leading your organization is to understand what an online sales counselor does, not just in general but day-by-day, week-by-week and month-by-month. This means understanding the purpose of their position and what needs to happen as a whole. We have…

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