Open Communication
Understanding Lead Traffic and Conversion: A Guide for OSCs, Marketing, and Leadership Collaboration
In the competitive world of new home sales, Online Sales Consultants (OSCs) play a pivotal role in converting website visitors into buyers. Understanding lead traffic and conversion rates is crucial for OSCs to optimize their efforts and collaborate effectively with the marketing team. By tracking key conversion points and analyzing lead behavior, OSCs can provide valuable insights to the marketing department. These real-world interactions can help drive strategic improvements in marketing spend and overall sales…
Read MoreGetting Outside the Box and Hiring an OSC
I love it when a client says, “Honestly I would have passed over those two candidates’ resumes.” And then they see how strong they’d be for the OSC role when I vet them, and then we interview them together. This makes me happy. I’m genuinely happy when I can help a client cut through the stacks of paper and find a good fit for their company, culture, and someone who is willing to learn to…
Read MoreWith Quality, You Only Cry Once
“With Quality, You Only Cry Once.” I think this was once a message in a fortune cookie, but it was one of my dad’s favorite sayings when he talked about the cost of services and programs. Never, in a million years, did I think I’d follow in my father’s footsteps. He was a nuclear physicist, and I was a vagabond backpacking, beach bum dive instructor, sailboat captain and bartender. When my dad was in his…
Read MoreAddressing Under Performance in OSC Programs
In our most recent Annual Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report it was disheartening to see that 4 OSCs never followed up. This points to significant issues within some OSC programs. While there are builders out there that know they need Online Sales Counselors they don’t always know how to set the program up successful, manage it properly, and create the proper expectations and oversight. These results don’t mean that OSCs need to be micromanaged, but it’s…
Read MoreIn-House Online Sales Counselors — The Key to Deep Customer Connections and Sustainable Growth
The Hidden Value of In-House Online Sales Counselors In the home building industry, the significance of having a strong online presence is undisputed. The role of the Online Sales Counselor (OSC) is critical in this digital-first approach, acting as the frontline of your brand’s online interaction with potential homebuyers. While some might consider outsourcing their OSC team to manage costs and operational overhead, it is crucial to delve deeper into the value that an in-house…
Read MoreSpring into Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Profitability in Online Sales Programs for New Home Builders – Part 2
In Part 1 of our blog, we focused on the digital components needed to have an effective and profitable online sales program. While digital tools optimize efficiency and scalability in online sales programs, it’s the human touch that adds empathy, understanding, and adaptability to the process. By leveraging both digital capabilities and human expertise, new home builders can create a sales experience that is not only well-organized and transparent but also personalized and engaging, ultimately…
Read MoreEnhancing Builder Efficiency Through Effective Online Sales Counselors
4th Annual Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report In the ever-changing arena of new home building, the role of Online Sales Counselors (OSCs) has proven indispensable. The 4th Annual Online Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report, a collaborative effort between Melinda Brody & Company, Denim Marketing, and Blue Gypsy Inc., sheds light on this crucial role. This annual report serves as a barometer for industry standards and practices, offering insights that help refine the strategies of home builders…
Read MoreThe Three C’s of OSCs in The Building Industry
OSCs In the new home building industry are called by a variety of titles. They are Online Sales Counselors, Online Sales Concierge, and Online Sales Consultants. They also are called ISPs Internet Sales Specialists, ISSs Internet Sales Specialists, ISAs Internet Sales Assistants. And so much more. No matter what you call this role there are three C’s that are important to understand behind who they are and what they do for your building company. The…
Read MoreCan Onsite Sales Agents or Realtors Be Effective OSCs?
We often call OSCs unicorns. The number of onsite sales agents or realtors that can shift from their role as community manager or resale agent to the role of an OSC are unicorns basking on a rainbow, balancing a leprechaun’s lucky gold piece on the tip of their horn. The transition from an onsite sales agent or realtor to an Online Sales Counselor (OSC) involves more than just a shift in workplace or title; it…
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