
Having an Abundance Mindset

September 16, 2021

Speaking with Kimberly Mackey this month about having an abundance mindset and how you can utilize this in your daily life both personally and professionally was such an uplifting experience. Over the past few years as I’ve grown my business a few concepts from abundance resonate with me. One of my favorites is it’s not pie. It’s not like because one person gets a slice there is less for you. That’s so true in the…

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Follow up for online sales counselors

Is Long-Term Follow Up Still Important?

September 7, 2021

The last 18 months have seen crazy things happening in the new home construction world. It’s no secret that we have more buyers than homes. So, is it really necessary to have long-term follow up? The answer is YES! For the first quarter in a while, we are seeing the lead volume slow down. What does that mean? Well for most it means a more normal volume. But that change in frequency can leave many…

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Quick Tip Tuesday: Hiring Your OSC Locally

August 24, 2021

This tip goes well with the upcoming Lasso Webinar – Hiring a Unicorn. I know there are some people in the industry that believe an OSC can work from anywhere. And while I do think that it’s true an OSC doesn’t need to be working in the office from 9-5 Monday – Friday, I do feel there’s an important part of the company culture an OSC misses when they work completely disconnected by geography from…

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Join Us September 14th for Head to Head on Abundance

August 24, 2021

I am lucky enough to have built relationships and genuine friendships with people in the building industry who have similar values as I do. Long ago my father – an amazing business mentor and coach – taught me that in order to truly be finding your passion within your work you need to have shared values and goals with the people you work with. While I don’t work within a big organization, I’ve found that…

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Upcoming Lasso Webinar September 22nd – Hiring A Unicorn

August 21, 2021

While my last post about the conference let you in on a little bit about me and live speaking in front of an audience, I’m pretty excited about the upcoming webinar with Lasso where I get to talk about hiring OSCs and what to look for in that unicorn. I really do believe that making sure you have the right person in that role is half the battle. It’s not the whole battle, but it…

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A Few Personal Ah-has and Insight From The Epcon National Conference

August 18, 2021

It’s 7am in Columbus Ohio on day 3 of the Epcon National Conference, and I have my 2nd presentation of the week in a couple of hours. I should be reviewing material, and then I think… but this is stuff I talk about all the time for the past 15 years.  The details change as the market changes and technology changes, the concepts and ideas grow, but at the root of it is what I’ve…

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If 100% of My Sales Come Through Online Sales Counselors. Should I Restructure OSC Pay?

July 13, 2021

Noooooo! Not unless you are going to pay them MORE!  I keep seeing this over the past year, as more and more traffic for new home builders comes to your online sales counselors. More leads are being set into appointment because there is less walk-in traffic. Some builders are having “heartburn” over how much they are paying their online sales counselor. Especially for appointments. WHHHYYYYY? Why would you penalize your online sales counselors for refining…

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How to Grow Your Online Sales Department

July 7, 2021

  By now, and if you’ve read my last two posts – Don’t Break The Process and Can’t an Online Sales Counselor Just Take the Lead Through Sale? NO! – then you may be starting to consider growing your online sales department. Before a little thing called COVID, most walk in traffic really was digital traffic. Did I just blow your mind? Everyone in sales now is saying they’ve always had walk-in traffic. True. But…

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Can’t an Online Sales Counselor Just Take The Lead Through Sale? NO!

June 29, 2021

I saw this question recently asked in a forum.  This goes right along with “Don’t Break The Process.“ You don’t want to take leads generated by marketing (The seed) and hand them off directly to the agents before they go through lead development for reasons discussed previously in Don’t Break The Process. Likewise, if your OSC became responsible for the entire buying process, it would be the same thing as handing off that lead to…

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Don’t Break The Process!

June 23, 2021

There’s been a marked slow down of walk-in traffic to models all across the country. With agents twiddling their thumbs in sales offices it may be tempting to ask the question why don’t we send the digital leads to them and eliminate the “middle man” The OSC? That would be a big mistake. Lead development is a process within the sales process. If done correctly we optimize sales. If done incorrectly, we flush marketing dollars…

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