Thanksgiving Shouldn’t Just be One Day a Year

Every year around Thanksgiving, people begin to do their various exercises in “thanks and giving.” They either start with something they are thankful for at the beginning of the month and do a daily “thanks.” Or they pour their heart out (On social media) the day of Thanksgiving.

I believe that it’s important to start every day with intention and being thankful. Putting positive energy out in the world and shining your light on people. Not because it’s a certain time of year, but because it’s important to appreciate and acknowledge the people, things, and circumstances that contribute to your life. And even more importantly, not give energy to the things that don’t raise you up. (Whenever possible, no one is perfect, and we all have those days. To say we never do would be impossible.)

I have been lucky enough to create a career I love which for the most part, includes helping people on a daily basis. Inspiring people to do better and be better. And encouraging people to reach for their greatest achievements. I get to help talk people off their ledges of uncertainty and provide perspectives they may not naturally see.

Also, I’m grateful for the fact that I have incredible clients. Even those that are challenging teach me something about myself, make me evaluate my program, and keep me on my toes to constantly strive to be better in many ways. From my own communication, to how I am implementing their programs.

Finally, I am so blessed to have amazing colleagues and friends in the industry who lift me up with positive energy. Teach me great lessons. Collaborate with me so I’m not just working in my own bubble. And include me in their reindeer games. (Oh wrong holiday…) Honestly, building these friendships over the past 12 years has helped me be the best version of myself, and it comes through not just in my business, but in my personal life as well.

While giving thanks is important. Giving back is also a rewarding part of being in this industry year around. Everything from contributing to important charities, and cheering our friends on when they move out of their comfort zone to just using your positive energy to bring light to others. There is something to be said for the giving part. I’m not a natural gift giver because I don’t personally like clutter and try to keep stuff to a minimum. When I do give a gift it needs to be meaningful. I once lived out of a backpack on my back for years on end and only kept the most important things with me. While I’ve drifted away from that minimalist, the desire not to clutter up people’s lives, but add to them has persisted. If you were to evaluate my love language, one of my top ways of expressing love is through words of affirmation followed by acts of service.

I really do love so many people in this industry I’ve been grateful for working in since 2006.  And I continue to help wherever I can. Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving every day, and all help each other grow and bring positive energy through our work.

I’m thankful for you.


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