With Quality, You Only Cry Once

“With Quality, You Only Cry Once.” I think this was once a message in a fortune cookie, but it was one of my dad’s favorite sayings when he talked about the cost of services and programs. Never, in a million years, did I think I’d follow in my father’s footsteps. He was a nuclear physicist,…

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Groupon Super Bowl Ads: #Fail? or Success! – New Media Vs. Old Media

Every year, when the Super Bowl rolls around there are some of us who tune in for the action, and some of us who tune in for the advertising. It’s the only time of the year we don’t want to fast forward through the commercials. With airtime priced at a premium, and millions of viewers…

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Texting While Driving: Watch This Video

In this mobile world we live in sometimes we forget to turn off. Sometimes we forget that there’s not anything that’s so important it can’t wait. This is especially true while driving. With our smart phones, ipads, GPS systems, XM radios and so many other distractions it’s not just the stuff of fast food taking…

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