With Quality, You Only Cry Once

“With Quality, You Only Cry Once.” I think this was once a message in a fortune cookie, but it was one of my dad’s favorite sayings when he talked about the cost of services and programs. Never, in a million years, did I think I’d follow in my father’s footsteps. He was a nuclear physicist,…

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OSCs Are Driven When You Give Them the Right Car

An OSC is going to be just as driven as a sales agent to create sales for the company as long as you give them the right vehicle to do so. That vehicle means having the right: Company Support Pay Structure Tools Training Company Support – The gas that fuels the car Energy is everything.…

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Turnkey Solutions Sound Great… But Are They?

Turnkey programs for new home builders for their online sales program just don't work.

I often hear builders say they want a turnkey solution for online sales. Really, they want turnkey solutions for everything. The truth is, almost anything worth while takes time to learn and master. As most builders like to remind me, they are different from their competitors. While we don’t need to re-invent the wheel every…

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Hiring the Right OSC Requires A Social Media Check

Social Media Check

In today’s digital world, it’s important to be careful about what you put out in the world, especially publicly. Time and again we see people removed from their jobs because they’ve expressed a stance that their companies cannot abide by, nor do they want to be held accountable for in society. As online sales counselors…

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Hiring is a Value Driven Proposition: Adding New Online Sales Programs or Revamping Old Ones

Lately, as I have been helping builders hire online sales counselors – either growing their teams, starting new ones, or revamping old programs – we are not only matching the right skill sets that are needed to become an OSC (Hint, it’s not the same as your site sales people.) We also are making sure…

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Change Isn’t Easy – But It’s An Important Part of Growth

Recently, I’ve undertaken a huge task. I’ve been updating all of my training materials and my online sales counselor training program. From the way it flows, to the way it’s presented – it’s undergone a complete refresh. But most importantly the content is the most up to date and progressive online sales training program I…

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Performance Vs. Stress: How to Create Peak Performing Online Sales Programs

Stess vs performance for online sales counselors

I was talking with my father the other day and Performance vs. Stress is one of the topics he discusses with his mentees. My father has spent several decades mentoring CEOs of companies and provides great insights to help them improve their company culture and grow their businesses. So, it’s great that I have this…

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Online Sales Counselor Training Isn’t About the Hours or Canned Packages

I get asked all the time by builders if I have an hourly rate or an hourly package they can purchase. I also have builders that ask me if I have a recorded set of lessons. The thing is I can’t track hours, and I can’t feel good about putting together pre-canned “education.”  If someone…

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2021 Thoughts and Holiday Wishes from Blue Gypsy Inc.

I’m not going to weigh you down with a ton of goal setting rules and regulations. Just a few quick thoughts before we slide into the next year.  While 2020 has had it’s ups and downs for many, for the most part the building world has been fast and furious. Record breaking sales have happened…

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Metrics Aren’t Everything…WHAT?

Metrics aren't everything

There, I said it. Metrics are not everything when it comes to a well-oiled Online Sales Counselor program. Especially in the Age of COVID.  I just blew the minds of many people including all my perfectionist OSC’s. You know how I know this? I’m nominating several of my past OSC’s I’ve trained for National Awards…

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