Getting Outside the Box and Hiring an OSC

I love it when a client says, “Honestly I would have passed over those two candidates’ resumes.” And then they see how strong they’d be for the OSC role when I vet them, and then we interview them together. This makes me happy. I’m genuinely happy when I can help a client cut through the…

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Guest Post: Capturing and Nurturing Leads in a Hot Market

  Guest Blog Post by Lasso CRM With most builders experiencing a banner year, how you keep track of your leads is more important now than ever before. I don’t know if you can ever have too many leads, but if you’re not properly capturing and nurturing them, this is a problem. When times are…

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No One is Dying: Ways to Manage Your Time as an OSC

With the onset of COVID and the current climate in the building industry, having time as an OSC is nonexistent. Homebuyers are forced to begin their search online whether they like it or not. Even prior to the pandemic, the internet has become the top source when searching for a new home. With the amount…

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Don’t Burn Out Your Online Sales Counselor

Don't Burn Out Your OSC

Look, I’ve been doing this since 2007. Back when I began as an OSC we did not have the same kind of marketing and lead generation as we do now. I worked for a builder that sold about 350 or more homes per year, and back then we said if an OSC was doing 20-25%…

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Balancing Business and Quality of Life: 7 Lessons

lessons in business

This time last year leading up to the holidays I had a client that ran me ragged. Several times I felt like dropping this client, but I didn’t. Now a year later, looking at an unpaid invoice that languishes in my quickbooks I know that the client was actually a lesson in disguise. Seven lessons…

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Time and Priorties: Event Planning for Your Business

Now if there’s one thing I can emphasize to individuals and companies, and especially to individuals who are sole proprietors, it’s to have a very clear business plan for your event. My plan for Blue Gypsy Bluesfest was, “hey I want to have a party and brand my company!” At first it was targeting the…

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Balance: Work and Life

When you work in front of computer all day, and you own your own business, the tendency is to work to fatigue. At least that’s what I do. There is always something that needs to get done, and there seem to not be enough hours in the day to get it all done. At some…

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How Much Time Does It Take To Plan A Successful Event?

How much time should you give yourself if you are planning an event for your business? That is an excellent question everyone should ask themselves as they embark on the journey of putting on a function or corporate event. No really, I’m telling you, ask yourself how much time you think it will take to…

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Nothing Like Under Estimating How Long A Project Will Take

Time management. A key ingredient to being an effective small business owner or independent contractor. Your time is literally money. You need time to spend on each client and project. And you need to know how effectively to manage all that time, juggle your projects and keep your clients happy. But there are times when…

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What Is Your Time Worth?

When is it time to hire help? It’s hard as a small business owner to make the decision to “cut into your earnings” to hire help. But that’s just what you may need to do in order to increase your revenue. It’s a huge leap of faith, but if you are organized and know what…

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