
And the Miss Understanding…OSC’s Pay Attention, That’s Their Job!

January 16, 2010

In my last post I talked about an agent who put out a public tweet on losing a sale due to perceived lack of follow-up on the part of a customer… My intention was never to slam this agent nor make her look bad. (hence I kept the name out of it) And for the record, this is an excellent agent with an amazing track record. The point of my post, and if I missed…

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"I Sell Houses, I Do Not Sell Attention."

January 13, 2010

Okay did that get your attention? Recently I was reading through my twitter feed and a real estate professional had this written in their feed lamenting the fact that they lost a sale because someone said their follow-up was poor. As an Online Sales Consultant, and Lead Gypsy (CEO) of my new business, Blue Gypsy, Inc. a lead management service for builders and real estate professionals, I can tell you that attention is exactly what…

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"What? You’re Not Following Me? I’m Going To Take My Toys and Go Home!"

January 6, 2010

I’ve been hovering around 940 followers on twitter for a month or so now. I follow about 920 tweeters. They are not all the same people. Yet every day there are several more twitter followers in my inbox. Still…the number keeps bouncing between 940-945. For some people the above scenario would be annoying. They’d follow everyone who follows them to get their numbers up. And now with so many automated tools out there that will…

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Renew, Revise, Re-energize – We’re All Making Our Goals and Sharing Positive Energy for 2010

December 29, 2009

There’s just something about a new year that helps everyone reorganize themselves in business, in their personal lives…really in anything you can think of. Right now, in the world of social media, we get some insight into lots of goals being set by a myriad of people ranging the gambit of aspects of their lives. One of the greatest things about this instant contact we have with family members, old friends, new acquaintances and total…

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What is Blue Gypsy, Inc.?

December 23, 2009

Blue Gypsy, Inc. is my newest business endeavor. After 4 years of working in the field of lead management for New Home Builders as an Online Sales Consultant (OSC) I’m starting my own business. Blue Gypsy Inc. coming early 2010 will offer professional lead management services for builders and real estate professionals. But where does the name come from? Many people who’ve known me for a long time are familiar with my gypsy wandering soul.…

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New Media New Year’s Resolutions…

December 19, 2009

In 2009 I think I’ve begun to embrace Social Media and integrate it with my current business. From my own personal blog writing, to using twitter and facebook both personally and professionally for networking and building community, I’ve pulled my head out of the sand. I’ve put aside my butter churn and my oil lamp and joined the new media stream with my exploration and use of social media. So where should I go next…

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Quicky Cute Christmas Story…I mean Social Media Story…

December 16, 2009

Okay so this time of year I become obsessed with these cute hard to find ornaments that are no longer in production. Yes these Opus n’ Bill ornaments are goofy and they make me smile. They remind me of the little kid inside that loves cartoons and comic books. My boyfriend actually got me hooked on them, he’s the biggest little kid with his Lego’s, love of opus, and if you’ve never seen a Wish…

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Twitter Duh’s and No Brainers to Elevate Your Impact and Interaction in Twitterland

December 5, 2009

Some twitter tips, from my twitter observations on a gray Saturday in December…take it or leave it. 1) If you have multiple twitter accounts (And I mean like 3,4 or more) Don’t send the SAME update from all of them….especially if you are using hashtags then there is a long stream of the same update and to be honest you aren’t helping yourself, you’re looking like spam. 2) Don’t use the bird…if you are ready…

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2 Blogs, Or Not 2 Blogs…That is My Question 2 YOU!

December 3, 2009

Last night I attended “Entering the Blogosphere” at the Social Media Club Virginia Beach. Now of course if you are reading this blog, you know I already blog and you may know that I have two blogs! Now here’s my dilemma, and I need some insight and feedback from you all if you are reading it, should I combine my two blogs? Okay first, just so you know, the “Boss Chick” at Wave Marketing says…

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Attitude of Gratitude: TweetsGiving Tonight! Gordon Biersch, Town Center VB

November 24, 2009

Tweetsgiving is tonight! November 24th at Gordon Biersch in Virginia Beach. The planning and execution have been a marvel of modern social media, and elbow grease. When Sonya Schweitzer the “Boss Chick” at Wave Marketing (@socialsonya) came to me and told me that she wanted to plan a TweetsGiving event in Virginia Beach to benefit a great charity, Epic Change. I said, “Count me in!” We also teamed up with local event planner, Karen Clements…

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