Open Communication

Cool Tools: Here’s A Present…I Mean A Prezi

March 6, 2010

I’m on a cool tools kick. I’ve already shown you my experiment with Not time consuming, but painful….I hate seeing myself on video. I have ever since I was a kid and my dad filmed an Indian Princesses meeting. But that’s a whole other therapy session. Now here’s a little presentation tool called Prezi. Last week I was saying I needed to put together a PowerPoint presentation and my super smart, geek boyfriend sent…

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Embracing a Smart Phone: Removing My Head From The Sand

February 28, 2010

I’m finally stepped out of the dark ages…. I changed over to an iphone today. I’ve been waffling on this decision to move from a “dumb” phone to a “smart” phone for a while now. It’s funny, I don’t mind change when it comes to traveling. I love changing from country to country seeing new sights and experiencing new places. But I’ve never been a fan of technology. I don’t pick it up quickly so…

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Facebook Friend or Spammer?

February 17, 2010

I’ve never used the unfriend button until the other day. I didn’t get into a mortal fight with a friend, I didn’t take my toys and go home…no, I was getting too much spam! That’s right spam on facebook in the form of fan page suggestions and events. But they weren’t just any fanpage and events they were “How to make millions of dollars…blah blah blah.” These are the websites and the emails that I…

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Do Years Always Equal Experience?

February 15, 2010

Recently I read a tweet, “Wait, ur biz is paying 2 learn from someone w/ less than 2 years of experience. Isn’t that called an intern, at best an associate?” Interesting point, however experience comes in all kinds of forms. Life experience, people experience, job experience, and many skills cross over from industry to industry. So I guess it would depend on all the experience that a person has compiled over years of life, and…

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Gone Viral: I dont care about your farm, or your fish, or your park, or your mafia!!!

February 12, 2010

Have you seen the huge influx of weird fan pages popping up? People come up with the most bizarre combination of political views, vague references, passive aggressive behavior, and goofy ideas to create a fan page and see if other people will fan them. One of the things that I love about facebook is what a lot of people hate. I like to see the fan pages and groups people join because to be honest,…

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Passion: For WordPress, Websites, and Water Treatment

February 11, 2010

I love enthusiasm! I’m actually pretty excited because I’ve caught some amazing energy from Valerie Cudnik, the owner of Computer Design Graphics. I’ve been waffling on my website for Blue Gypsy, Inc, and Valerie is propelling me forward toward getting it up and running. I know I need to get cracking because is my online office, but I’ve been in a quandary about the idea of paying lots of money to have someone design…

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And The Winner Is….Great Design and Attentive Customer Service

February 4, 2010

And the winner is…… After 5 days and over 200 submissions from all over the world, I chose my logo. By running a contest through a crowdsourcing website called I found that it wasn’t only the design that won the race. It was also customer service. Something I wasn’t expecting at all when I decided to hold a contest to create my Blue Gypsy, Inc. logo. Kristen, the designer of my logo, not only…

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Check Out The Contest to Design Blue Gypsy Inc.’s Logo

January 31, 2010

Right now I’m fully engrossed with the creative process happening on! With more than 3 days to go, in a 5 day contest, designers from all over the world are submitting ideas to help brand my new company Blue Gypsy, Inc., by creating a logo. Recently I told, @socialsonya, the boss chick at Wave Marketing, and the founder of an amazing new concept, the Geekette’s Club, that I wanted to hold a contest on…

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Values and Goals Go Hand-in-Hand

January 27, 2010

Since my last post was about values, I wanted touch on goals. Goal setting is always something I’ve felt passionate about. Values and goals go hand-in-hand and make up who you are. Once you define your values, the things that make you tick and how you want to operate your life, your business, and your online presence, the next step is to use those values to define your goals. Whether they are social media goals,…

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Jeff Turner: "Social Media Is Value Driven"

January 24, 2010

Yesterday at Social Media @ the Beach, a local SM event in Hampton Roads, listening to the Keynote speaker, Jeff Turner, was like listening to an old friend. Actually one of my best friends…my Dad! Let me explain. My father has always been one of my mentors. I’m lucky. Not only is my father a great dad, and a successful business man, but he also was a mentor and coach to groups of CEO’s for…

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