affordable websites
We Are All on The Same Team
Marketing, sales, and online sales are all on the same team. We need to put that into practice, especially when it’s easy to slip into a scarcity mindset. Recently I heard two different stories that inspired this blog post. One was of someone at leadership level disparaging OSCs and what they do…because numbers are down. The other was of salespeople disparaging OSCs and what they are doing…because numbers are down! In the first case, I…
Read MoreOSCs Are Driven When You Give Them the Right Car
An OSC is going to be just as driven as a sales agent to create sales for the company as long as you give them the right vehicle to do so. That vehicle means having the right: Company Support Pay Structure Tools Training Company Support – The gas that fuels the car Energy is everything. The tone set by the leadership of the company can make or break a program. This role needs to have…
Read MoreGuest Post: Customer Experience in the Fast Lane: A Key to Closing Home Sales
Guest Post by Greg Bray President of Blue Tangerine Founder & Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Founder of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit October 18-19, 2023 in Denver Pioneering home builders have started to embrace the reality of selling homes completely online. However, buying a home online does not mean the process will be completely self-service. A new home is often the largest purchase someone will ever make, buyers will have questions along the…
Read MoreDon’t Say I Don’t Know: An OSC’s Guide to Building Trust – Scenario Three
The past couple of posts have explored how to build trust and not use the words, “I don’t know.” It’s not that we are trying to be dishonest when we don’t know the answer check out Scenario One for situations where we just may not know the information because we are new, or we haven’t committed something we SHOULD know to memory. Or that we are trying to be deceptive when we haven’t been given…
Read MoreDon’t Say I Don’t Know: An OSC’s Guide to Building Trust – Scenario Two
In part one of Don’t Say, “I don’t know.” We attacked a scenario that’s easy to fall into if you are a brand new OSC, or even when you have been doing this for a while, but there may be things you just don’t know. Saying “I don’t know,” is the quickest way to kill trust with a new home buyer and have them rudely asking for someone who does know. But in scenario two…
Read MoreDon’t Say I Don’t Know: An OSC’s Guide to Building Trust – Scenario One
As I got going writing this up, I realized it was waaaaayyyyy too long for a single blog post. So here’s part one of three! As an online sales counselor, whether you are new, or you’ve been doing this a while there are questions you simply can’t answer. Either because you don’t know the answer, the information doesn’t exist, or it’s not your question to answer… I’ll explain these scenarios in a three part series,…
Read MoreGuest Post: Not So Random Advice From, Kimberly Mackey, A Top Trainer in the Building Industry
Guest Post by Kimberly Mackey Founder of New Homes Solutions Consulting Co-Host of Sales & Marketing Power Hour National Trainer & Speaker Recently Kimberly Mackey, co-host of the Sales & Marketing Power Hour & National Speaker, posted a thread on her Facebook group asking for “Random Advice” No specific topic, just good advice. To start the ball rolling she gave us a true gem that needs to be heard by leadership, online sales, and sales…
Read MoreUnderstanding Emotions… Not Playing on Emotions
It’s often said the buying a home is an emotional purchase. While of course budget, location, and timeline for needing or wanting to move is important, there is a deeper psychology that comes into play when purchasing a home. At its core, owning a home begins with the foundational levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This motivational theory in psychology from American psychologist, Abraham Maslow’s 1943 paper, “A theory of Human Motivation,” published in the…
Read MoreMarketing and Online Sales Goes Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly
When you try to think of two things that naturally go together for some reason peanut butter and jelly come to mind. Okay maybe it’s just my mind. Maybe it’s because there was a long streak in 5th grade where all my mom sent to school with me was peanut butter and jelly. Maybe it’s because to this day it’s one of my favorite comfort foods, or maybe it’s because they complement each other so…
Read MoreOnline Sales Counselors, Sinking Ships, Mindset, Mindshift, Energy, and the Customer Experience
Did that catch your attention? I’m going to tell you a story here. Right now, there is a lot of scarcity mindset going around. I hear OSCs concerned about not getting enough leads, or not setting enough appointments, and for some of them they equate this with not making enough money or even being fearful of losing their jobs. This, in turn stresses them out because they can’t pay their bills, which is understandable, but…
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