The Right Way to Handle Online Sales Leads: A Tale of Two Companies

I recently heard about a company whose Online Sales Counselors (OSCs) were instructed to stop following up with leads after just 15 days of no response. That’s right, if a lead didn’t respond within two weeks, it was essentially treated as dead, or it was moved over to a broad marketing drip with no further…

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Conferences: Turning Great Ideas into Action

blurred photo of conference hall or seminar room with attendee background

Hey everyone, it’s Leah here from Blue Gypsy Inc.! I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that’s been on my mind since I got back from the Women in Residential and Commercial Construction conference in Arizona. I had the honor of leading a roundtable on Creating the Ultimate Customer Experience, and let…

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The Power of Cross Training: Harmonizing Online and Onsite Sales for a Seamless Customer Experience

In the fast-paced world of home sales, the harmony between online and onsite sales can be likened to a well-tuned orchestra. When each section knows its part and plays in sync, the result is a beautiful symphony that resonates with potential buyers. Cross-training between online sales, and onsite sales ensures that everyone is singing from…

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Understanding Lead Traffic and Conversion: A Guide for OSCs, Marketing, and Leadership Collaboration

In the competitive world of new home sales, Online Sales Consultants (OSCs) play a pivotal role in converting website visitors into buyers. Understanding lead traffic and conversion rates is crucial for OSCs to optimize their efforts and collaborate effectively with the marketing team. By tracking key conversion points and analyzing lead behavior, OSCs can provide…

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Marketing in the Home Building Industry: Crafting Strategies for Effective Lead Generation

In the home building industry, marketing is more than just creating pretty brochures and planning events. It’s about developing a robust strategy to generate traffic to your website and convert visitors into viable leads. Effective marketing involves a blend of creativity, technology, and strategic thinking, all aimed at engaging potential buyers and guiding them through…

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Getting Outside the Box and Hiring an OSC

I love it when a client says, “Honestly I would have passed over those two candidates’ resumes.” And then they see how strong they’d be for the OSC role when I vet them, and then we interview them together. This makes me happy. I’m genuinely happy when I can help a client cut through the…

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With Quality, You Only Cry Once

“With Quality, You Only Cry Once.” I think this was once a message in a fortune cookie, but it was one of my dad’s favorite sayings when he talked about the cost of services and programs. Never, in a million years, did I think I’d follow in my father’s footsteps. He was a nuclear physicist,…

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Addressing Under Performance in OSC Programs

In our most recent Annual Homebuyer Mystery Shop Report it was disheartening to see that 4 OSCs never followed up. This points to significant issues within some OSC programs. While there are builders out there that know they need Online Sales Counselors they don’t always know how to set the program up successful, manage it…

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In-House Online Sales Counselors — The Key to Deep Customer Connections and Sustainable Growth

The Hidden Value of In-House Online Sales Counselors In the home building industry, the significance of having a strong online presence is undisputed. The role of the Online Sales Counselor (OSC) is critical in this digital-first approach, acting as the frontline of your brand’s online interaction with potential homebuyers. While some might consider outsourcing their…

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Spring into Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Profitability in Online Sales Programs for New Home Builders – Part 2

In Part 1 of our blog, we focused on the digital components needed to have an effective and profitable online sales program. While digital tools optimize efficiency and scalability in online sales programs, it’s the human touch that adds empathy, understanding, and adaptability to the process. By leveraging both digital capabilities and human expertise, new…

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