It Takes A Village: To Put Together A Fundraiser

It Takes a Village. I’m putting together a local charity fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity and Natchel Blues Network and it really does take a whole village to put together the event. While I’m planning this “alone” I’m not really alone in the world of Social Media.

Now I know many people think Social Media is the miracle fix for just about everything. You’re throwing an event? Put it out on Social Media and people will come! Right? Well, it depends on exactly how you use Social Media.

If you think putting up a fan page and creating an event on facebook will lead to getting volunteers, donors and sponsors you probably aren’t quite looking at the big picture. If you think just tweeting out, hey you want to be a sponsor or a volunteer for my event will have people rushing to your door with resounding yes’s, well then you are a little naive.

Don’t get me wrong, Social Media has been one of the strongest tools I’ve used to get the word out about the Blue Gypsy Bluesfest and to get Sponsors. I’ve combed my Social Media contacts to see who has businesses, values and desires that fit with my festival. I’ve looked for individuals, businesses and groups who may find value in participating. I’ve then reached out to those people to see if they want to get involved.

It starts with a great idea, I think a lot of people are caught up in the festivities. My enthusiasm and commitment are contagious and every day at least one more person is getting involved with the event at some level . The elements of great music, great food, great fun all provided by local people for local charities are all great catalysts to getting people excited. It’s a great way to bring community together and enjoy. It’s almost like a good old fashioned block party.

Many of my interactions may start with people through social media, but in order to make an event like this a success you have to be able to take it to the next step, the follow up the actual over the phone and in person interactions that solidify those contacts and create a great combination of people and businesses who have come together to make this event a reality. And the other amazing thing is with each person I talk with I am given 2 or 3 more leads of people who the event may resonate with. If only I could clone myself to make enough phone calls and send enough emails in a day.

But I am thankful for all my friends, my Social Media buddies, and the businesses getting involved with this event to make it a success.

The next few posts I’ll talk more in depth about some of those great people.

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