Unlocking CRM Potential: What to Look for and Why

Let’s get this out of the way right now: I am not a CRM implementation expert. My job is to train and strategize with Online Sales Counselors (OSCs) and companies to help them thrive in their roles and their adoption of the CRM across all departments. It’s important for the marketing, sales, and online salespeople to all be rowing in the same direction when it comes to big tools like the CRM. I’ll give you the ideas and the parameters, but I leave the nitty-gritty of CRM setup to the techies and specialists. What I do know is what a CRM should be able to do for you as an OSC in the homebuilding industry. It’s up to you to become the expert on the platform your company uses. And let’s be honest—often OSCs end up being the CRM experts in their companies. So, roll up your sleeves, dive in, and figure it out. Here’s the good news: there are resources everywhere. Your CRM likely has a support team, a knowledge base, and (bless the internet gods) YouTube. You can Google just about anything these days. Or—and here’s a crazy idea—you can play with it. Tinker, explore, and press all…

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Social Media: Building Community or Building a Nation

July 26, 2010

Build your “Nation” one brick at a time. Take a page from my personal trainer when it comes to building community and Social Media. Sometimes there is an important element missing in many Social Media campaigns. The “Social.” Many people out there using twitter, facebook and the like are not building a nation, much less a community, they are pushing out their message. From time to time I’m sure we are all guilty of informing…

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The Power Of Positive Thinking: How Are You Going To Use It

July 23, 2010

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what is one thing you’d like to do in your life? The power of positive thinking and positive energy is a real element in the universe. I truly believe this. I’ve climbed mountains with this energy, I’ve jumped out of planes with this energy, and sailed around the Caribbean with this energy. These are just a few of the many achievements I’ve attained by implementing this method of positive…

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Grassroots Efforts: Cold Calling Under Rated Along With Other Outbound Marketing

July 20, 2010

I know, you are all cringing right now. Yuck I hate it when someone calls me unsolicited and asks me to do something, pay something, buy something, or well…something! You hear so much about inbound marketing these days, is outbound marketing dead? Just one aspect of outbound marketing is cold calling. These days it seems that people are not only against cold calls, but they are into scheduling their phone calls as well. It is…

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Not Created Equally: Find Your Unique Teacher, Coach or Social Media Advisor

July 15, 2010

Not all business coaches, consultants or social media “experts” are created equally. Much like a personal trainer focuses on the individual, so too do you need to find a business specialist that focuses on your business as if there is no other business out there just like yours. Recently I started to go back to the gym to take classes with a trainer verses DVD’s at home. I just wasn’t meeting my goals and it…

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Blue Gypsy Bluesfest: Great Things Are Coming

July 12, 2010

When I first started planning Blue Gypsy Bluesfest I knew it was a big undertaking. But I also knew it was for a good cause, and in the end it would be a lot of fun. One of the best parts about owning my own business is deciding how I’m going use my energy and achieve great things. It was a little over three months ago that I decided I wanted to throw a huge…

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Listen: If You Aren’t Picking Up Cues You Lose

June 30, 2010

Listen. This is the key to great service. Listen. Seems easy right? This is the secret to capturing and keeping clients. Right now I’m sure everyone is saying, “Duh, I listen all the time.” But no….no you don’t. Perfect way to alienate someone seeking your services is to not listen to what they are telling you. There is a reason why people say email me, don’t call me. Call me don’t email me. Text me,…

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