Can You Have A Debate in 140 Characters?
After my last post about debates on facebook, I decided to see if it was possible to have a debate in 140 Characters. The other day my cousin posted a ridiculous video in his facebook status update which sparked an intense debate between myself and one of his friends about the health care system. As usual my cousin posted something controversial but didn’t, himself debate the issue. Sadly I don’t believe it’s because he’s above…
Read MoreDebates on Facebook: Like An American Jew Sitting Next to Two Arabs in an Old City Jerusalem Pizza Parlor
In social media, interacting though facebook, twitter and the like can be a dialogue. I see people updating most often with the literal, “what they are doing.” (I do this as well) But less often status updates express thoughts, ideas and beliefs. It’s as if for the most part no one wants to rock the boat and put something up that “friends” or “followers” might not find agreeable. And when we do post something controversial…
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