IBS Recap: Teaching, Learning, Winning, Caring, Meeting, and Socializing

This year in Vegas was a little different than any other year I can remember. The longer you attend IBS the more people you know, the more companies you interact with, the more invitations you get to events!

Teaching and Learning: On top of two presentations – one on the Building Knowledge Track with my friends and Colleagues Alisa Poncher, Angela McKay, and Cori Masters, and one just me presenting in 55+ Central – I had the pleasure of listening to other great presentations in the whirlwind three-day show.

Some highlights were:

  • Kimberly Mackey – On Traction. You know you need to hold your team accountable, and Kimberly talks about the right metrics needed to sell more homes and help builders and salespeople be more aware of what to track and how to create predictable sales.
  • Roland Nairnsey – Leading a panel of builders providing tips and tricks to deal with a shifting market. Jason Harper of Hunter Quinn Homes, Jenna Parker of Stevens Fine homes, and Teri Smith of Bosgraaf Homes, provided insights into how to streamline processes, protect margins, and how to improve the customer experience by taking advantage of industry experts.
  • Will Duderstadt and Chris Thornton – Provided an entertaining presentation – the Music of Marketing: everything is a Remix. By understanding that history builds on itself and much of what you see in music and in marketing is a remix, you can create your own effective remixes and use successful tactics to help your marketing efforts. Hearing Chris’s guitar skills alongside Will’s adept marketing insights was a great lively presentation.
  • Jen Barkan – My personal favorite at the Sales Rally, talked about how to re-energize your online sales program for the new market. It was Electric! But I’m bias about anything that includes OSCs and recognizes the importance of the online sales role in the entire sales process.
  • Chelsey Keenan, Cori Masters, Reyna Estrada – Gave a great presentation on Connecting with your buyers’ cultural, generational, & lifestyle needs. Perspectives from Millennial buyers to selling to the growing Latino population and the things that are important to each of these segments was brought out in a lively discussion on gaining trust, being more culturally sensitive, and how to understand and connect with different background both for sales and for hiring practices.

There was so much more – and so many things I didn’t get to attend, but if you have an education pass, some things will be on replay.

Winning and Caring: At Nationals, the biggest new home builder awards ceremony of the year, I was there to cheer on two of my past OSC’s for awards. Terrell Turner of Epcon Communities was up for OSC of the Year, and Courtney Schmitter was up for Rookie of the Year.

Terrell and I joke that we are twins since we even have the same birthday (Different years.) And I can read his mind and keep him grounded. While he didn’t make gold (Silver is still such an amazing accomplishment.) the only person who could have possibly beat him was the ultimate winner Elena Mora – 17-year veteran OSC who has never wavered in her job, and has never been submitted for an award until this year. Not only did I see Terrell, I got to see his lovely team lead Kaylee Daum, veteran OSC for Epcon.  They are all winners in my book.

As the Rookie of the Year OSC was getting closer to being announced I received a text from the Stevens Fine Homes team that they were stuck in airline delays and traffic and if Courtney should win gold, could I go pick up her trophy. AND SHE WON! I’m beside myself happy for the achievements of the OSCs I’ve trained. Past or present they are like family members to me. I always joke that “Once my OSC, always my OSC.” All my past, present and future clients become a member of the Blue Gypsy Inc. family.

Other notable wins included some of my current and past clients winning marketing awards and accolades. It was great to see whole teams there to celebrate.

Meeting and Socializing: A big part of the builder show every year is reconnecting with old friends, past (Present and future) clients, and industry experts and new people. I always arrive early to attend the NAHB council and sub-committee meetings. This is a great way to find out how you can give back and serve the industry.

I’m actively engaged as a member of the Board of Trustees for the National Sales & Marketing Council, and as the upcoming Chair of Professional Development for The National Professional Women in Building Council. So attending meetings, seeing old friends, celebrating at the various parties… it’s exhilarating and exhausting.

As much as I loved seeing countless friends in the industry, being home and collecting my thoughts about the coming year of incredible offerings, new clients, and new programs to be announced will be a lot of fun.

Some things you can look forward this year are:

  • New and improved offerings from Blue Gypsy Inc.
  • New Events and Educational Opportunities
  • New Website Coming Soon!

As always, you can expect the same care and customization for each and every one of our clients and friends.

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