Check Out The Contest to Design Blue Gypsy Inc.’s Logo

Right now I’m fully engrossed with the creative process happening on! With more than 3 days to go, in a 5 day contest, designers from all over the world are submitting ideas to help brand my new company Blue Gypsy, Inc., by creating a logo.

Recently I told, @socialsonya, the boss chick at Wave Marketing, and the founder of an amazing new concept, the Geekette’s Club, that I wanted to hold a contest on twitter to design my website. I want something innovative and cool and I wanted the chance to see a lot of options. She told me about the concept of crowdsourcing. There are contest formats on many creative design sites that outsource to groups of people interested in winning your business. This really is an amazing way to go! You get the creative juices flowing from all over the world to your own benefit.

Since Blue Gypsy, Inc. was inspired by my travels around the world, it only seems appropriate to give designers from around the world the opportunity to have some input into the brand….and it’s a great social media experiment.

What I love is the wild fire I’ve lit under these artists’ butts. I think it’s the name that has them so enthused by the prospect of creating my logo. Right now there are logos that will pay them more, yet there are not nearly the number of submissions as for Blue Gypsy. With over 110 options for me to choose from already, I’m having a hard time choosing! With 3 more days to go I don’t know how these designers are going to top my favorites, but I’ve been addicted to the site checking in all the time to find out what I’m missing!

Check out my rankings (And do it quick because I change them all the time) Let me know which ones are your favorites and why! Since I am changing the rankings tell me by their submission number, the # in bottom left corner.

Click the link! Blue Gypsy, Inc. Logo Contest and tell me what you think!

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