Why Do You Need Executive Coaching with an Online Sales Program?

Whether you are setting up a new online sales program, or working on auditing, improving, or revamping an old OSC program, whoever is going to lead the OSC program or team, needs to be on the same page and understand how to communicate goals to the entire company.

I’ve said it before, training an OSC cannot happen in a bubble. The leadership of the company, marketing, and sales teams all need to know what to expect and how to adopt this program. How are you going to run the program once I (your consultant and trainer) have completed my contract?  My goal isn’t to manage your online sales program forever.  Here are my goals for you:

  • I want to help you integrate the online sales program into your company culture.
  • I want to teach you the things to be looking for to make sure your OSC is on track.
  • I want to give you best practices when it comes to implementing the program and managing it.
  • I want to provide you with processes that will help you elicit a response from new leads.
  • I want to help you overcome hurtles to new or current programs.
  • I want to strategize with you on how to improve the program.
  • I want to quantify the data we receive and look at all the various things to track.

There are so many things you need to know if you are going to properly understand your OSC program and manage it. You will not just magically know what to talk about and how to set expectations, hence why it’s important to have some executive coaching side-by-side with the OSC training.


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