Conquering FBML for the Novice: Like Hiking in the Himalayas

I’ve checked off one of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2010!

Yes I put together a short list of things I wanted to get more involved in in 2010 both for myself and for my business. I have started playing around with two of the three. First off I’ve been playing around a little bit, but not enough, with video email and not enough with video blogs….I don’t feel as comfortable on camera as I do typing and I know I need to get over it.

But I’ve made amazing headway with FBML! I wanted to learn how to create those cool landing pages on facebook fan pages, so of course I used Blue Gypsy Inc as a guinea pig!

I created this snazzy new landing page! (Click the image and it will take you to the fan page layout so you can see the whole thing)


Now I’m not a code writer, I’m like HTML what?!?! And so FBML is even more WHAT!?! I’m really not a technically inclined person when it comes to computers, but I play one on TV.

Yet I managed to create this landing page with many moving parts. There’s a YouTube video in there, there’s a link back to my email database program and I’ve embedded it all over top of my signature photograph along with text and hot links back to my website.

There were many hours of frustration while working on this project. It often reminded me of hiking in the high mountains of Nepal. There were times when I was putting one foot in front of the other and asking myself why I was doing this. (In the case of the landing page I could have paid a lot of people to do it, and not have bothered myself)

But as with the hike in Nepal, when I’d take a moment to sit down on the rock, take a look at the views, and reflect upon where I was and what I was accomplishing, I was pretty proud to be me.

It’s easy to pay people to do things for you, and there are times when it’s warranted. But I was not just on a quest to have a facebook landing page, but also to have the experience of creating one myself.

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