Cool Tools: Here’s A Present…I Mean A Prezi

I’m on a cool tools kick. I’ve already shown you my experiment with Not time consuming, but painful….I hate seeing myself on video. I have ever since I was a kid and my dad filmed an Indian Princesses meeting. But that’s a whole other therapy session.

Now here’s a little presentation tool called Prezi. Last week I was saying I needed to put together a PowerPoint presentation and my super smart, geek boyfriend sent me a link (from just next to me on the couch) to this dizzying technology.

Rather than a stale old linear approach to presentation, Prezi lends itself to creative thinking and it’s very “outside of the box.” It’s great for people like me who get distracted by shiny objects. With Prezi, it’s like saying, “over here, now over there, wait wait wait HERE.” as you zoom from idea to idea…rather than flip from slide to slide.

Here take a look for yourself! I put together a quick (Okay not so quick it probably took me a whole day…but I was having fun with it!) Social Media presentation for New Homes Site Agents. Trying to get them to fit a little social media into their busy day.

(This works best if you hit full screen view and you can manually step through it. If you use automatic and you want to step up the speed you can.)

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