Unlocking CRM Potential: What to Look for and Why

Let’s get this out of the way right now: I am not a CRM implementation expert. My job is to train and strategize with Online Sales Counselors (OSCs) and companies to help them thrive in their roles and their adoption of the CRM across all departments. It’s important for the marketing, sales, and online salespeople to all be rowing in the same direction when it comes to big tools like the CRM. I’ll give you the ideas and the parameters, but I leave the nitty-gritty of CRM setup to the techies and specialists. What I do know is what a CRM should be able to do for you as an OSC in the homebuilding industry. It’s up to you to become the expert on the platform your company uses. And let’s be honest—often OSCs end up being the CRM experts in their companies. So, roll up your sleeves, dive in, and figure it out. Here’s the good news: there are resources everywhere. Your CRM likely has a support team, a knowledge base, and (bless the internet gods) YouTube. You can Google just about anything these days. Or—and here’s a crazy idea—you can play with it. Tinker, explore, and press all…

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Texting While Driving: Watch This Video

February 2, 2011

In this mobile world we live in sometimes we forget to turn off. Sometimes we forget that there’s not anything that’s so important it can’t wait. This is especially true while driving. With our smart phones, ipads, GPS systems, XM radios and so many other distractions it’s not just the stuff of fast food taking our attention off our driving any more. I remember when I learned how to drive 25 years ago it was…

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Cutting Down On Random Facebook Friends

January 21, 2011

I know I’ve done similar posts before. But in this I’m including some tools for you. Please feel free to use. I know for some facebook is the wild wild west full of people willing to take their chances to accept anyone that will ask to be their friend because they use it for “networking.” Nothing wrong with that shot gun approach if you choose to use facebook in that way. But I guess I’m…

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What Is Your Time Worth?

January 18, 2011

When is it time to hire help? It’s hard as a small business owner to make the decision to “cut into your earnings” to hire help. But that’s just what you may need to do in order to increase your revenue. It’s a huge leap of faith, but if you are organized and know what you need and what you want it can be well worth the expense to hire help. It can help you…

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Outsourced: Not the Show

January 10, 2011

Blue Gypsy Inc has grown so much in it’s one year of existence. This is a wonderful thing! This time last year I sent my first proposal out into the world and was busy getting my company name Blue Gypsy, incorporated. Now I have several happy clients who keep me very busy. I’m not complaining! In this economy it’s so nice to be needed and wanted, and actually lead management should be the business of…

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Thousand Crane Project: Touching The World Through Ripple Effect

January 2, 2011

Have you ever heard about the Legend of 1000 origami paper cranes? Ancient Japanese folklore promises to grant a single wish to anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes. Well yesterday I came across the fan page, Thousand Paper Crane Project. Rich Greenhagen, a resident of Virginia Beach, has a unique goal. He’s folding 1000 paper cranes to spread love around the world. It started out as a poem, then became a story and then…

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Twenty Christmas Light Displays I’d Hate To Disassemble

December 27, 2010

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, but taking down all the lights and decorations is not my favorite….I take heart in the fact that I don’t have to deal with the disassemble of the following Christmas displays. (But man I love to watch them!) Take a look at these 20 amazing works of art!1. Music Box Dancer 2. Frisco Christmas Lights – Wizards in Winter 3. Coca Cola Holiday Song 4.…

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