Join Us September 14th for Head to Head on Abundance

I am lucky enough to have built relationships and genuine friendships with people in the building industry who have similar values as I do. Long ago my father – an amazing business mentor and coach – taught me that in order to truly be finding your passion within your work you need to have shared values and goals with the people you work with.

While I don’t work within a big organization, I’ve found that this same sentiment holds true with the people you surround yourself with in your chosen industry. We all rise up when we work together.

Over the past few years I’ve greatly valued my relationships with industry experts and one of those experts that I call a friend is Kimberly Mackey at New Homes Solutions. She brings decades of knowledge and experience into everything she does. During the start of the pandemic I had the pleasure of working together with Kimberly and Carol Morgan –  another treasured friend in the industry and owner of Denim Marketing – to produce 8 helpful webinars as we all were hit with a complete change in reality for our industry.

Kimberly and Carol went on to create a valuable and insightful ongoing webinar series called Sales & Marketing Power Hour. They pull in information and ideas from smart people all over the industry. Then Kimberly went on to create something else. Her Head to Head Series. This is not a webinar, and it’s not a podcast. It’s somewhere in between. It’s live, it’s engaging, and it’s always different.

September 14th I get to go Head to Head with Kimberly about one of my favorite topics. Having a Mindset of Abundance. It’s one of my favorite approaches to success in this universe and in the building world. Sometimes we are so bent on competition we lose track of the fact that there is enough for all of us. And we don’t realize the energy we put out into the universe.

I hope you will sign up and join us for ways to increase your business simply by shifting your mindset. You’ll walk away with some tools and some ideas to increase your energy and increase your business. We LOVE talking about this stuff together and it will be like sitting down with a cup of coffee and getting an inside look some of our afternoon chats.


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