Unlocking CRM Potential: What to Look for and Why

Let’s get this out of the way right now: I am not a CRM implementation expert. My job is to train and strategize with Online Sales Counselors (OSCs) and companies to help them thrive in their roles and their adoption of the CRM across all departments. It’s important for the marketing, sales, and online salespeople to all be rowing in the same direction when it comes to big tools like the CRM. I’ll give you the ideas and the parameters, but I leave the nitty-gritty of CRM setup to the techies and specialists. What I do know is what a CRM should be able to do for you as an OSC in the homebuilding industry. It’s up to you to become the expert on the platform your company uses. And let’s be honest—often OSCs end up being the CRM experts in their companies. So, roll up your sleeves, dive in, and figure it out. Here’s the good news: there are resources everywhere. Your CRM likely has a support team, a knowledge base, and (bless the internet gods) YouTube. You can Google just about anything these days. Or—and here’s a crazy idea—you can play with it. Tinker, explore, and press all…

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Understanding Emotions… Not Playing on Emotions

July 15, 2023

It’s often said the buying a home is an emotional purchase. While of course budget, location, and timeline for needing or wanting to move is important, there is a deeper psychology that comes into play when purchasing a home. At its core, owning a home begins with the foundational levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This motivational theory in psychology from American psychologist, Abraham Maslow’s 1943 paper, “A theory of Human Motivation,” published in the…

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Marketing and Online Sales Goes Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

July 6, 2023

When you try to think of two things that naturally go together for some reason peanut butter and jelly come to mind. Okay maybe it’s just my mind. Maybe it’s because there was a long streak in 5th grade where all my mom sent to school with me was peanut butter and jelly. Maybe it’s because to this day it’s one of my favorite comfort foods, or maybe it’s because they complement each other so…

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Online Sales Counselors, Sinking Ships, Mindset, Mindshift, Energy, and the Customer Experience

June 28, 2023

Did that catch your attention? I’m going to tell you a story here. Right now, there is a lot of scarcity mindset going around. I hear OSCs concerned about not getting enough leads, or not setting enough appointments, and for some of them they equate this with not making enough money or even being fearful of losing their jobs. This, in turn stresses them out because they can’t pay their bills, which is understandable, but…

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Guest Post: Code Cracking – Unlocking the Power of Analytics in Interactive Floor Plans

June 20, 2023

Guest Post by Stuart Platt Managing Partner Outhouse, LLC You implemented Interactive Floor Plans (IFPs) on your website months, if not years ago. Maybe you have seen a report that your IFPs are experiencing a lot of visits which is fantastic; but what else can you find out? You ask yourself, what other information can I gain from Google Analytics and how can I take advantage of this data?   Depending on when you read…

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Why Do You Need Executive Coaching with an Online Sales Program?

June 7, 2023

Whether you are setting up a new online sales program, or working on auditing, improving, or revamping an old OSC program, whoever is going to lead the OSC program or team, needs to be on the same page and understand how to communicate goals to the entire company. I’ve said it before, training an OSC cannot happen in a bubble. The leadership of the company, marketing, and sales teams all need to know what to…

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Random Gypsy Ramblings: How to Keep an Abundant Mindset

May 22, 2023

Little known fact, one of my first blogs I ever had was called Random Gypsy Ramblings. It told many storied about my travels around the world and my inner thoughts. I long since let go of that blog, and with it a lot of published articles. I think though I need to bring it back to the Blue Gypsy Inc. Blog. Sometimes I think it’s important to know the origin of where people’s ideas come…

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